Traditions in Ukraine

Traditions in Ukraine

Traditions in Ukraine are closely connected with the everyday, calendar and religious life. It is quite natural. Like in many nations, a lot of Ukrainian traditions and events were connected with the agricultural calendar. Harvest songs, Christmas carols or merry songs to meet the spring have accompanied the seasonal works since long ago. It was impossible to work hard without household magic rituals and to rest without masquerades, entertainments or ritual greetings and going round. Natural hospitability and cheerfulness was passed on from generation to generation exactly through these everyday Ukrainian customs.

Family is very important for the Ukrainians. Its origination and existence is accompanied by many Ukrainian rituals and rites, Ukrainian customs and traditions. Making a formal proposal of marriage (in a traditional ceremony with matchmakers coming to the house of the prospective bride's father), engagement, arrangements and covering the head of the bride (a move from the maidenhead to the married life), bachelorette party (hen party) or wedding train, invitation and wedding march with many ransoms for the bride – our contemporaries follow all these merry elements with pleasure. By the way, our girls are very ‘tolerant’ now – if they do not like the future husband, then they would give a baked pumpkin to the matchmakers in accordance with the Ukrainian custom. And the young couple really respects the parents – they bow from the waist to them after receiving round bread with salt. Generally speaking, the ceremony of marriage is called here “fun” (‘veselye’) – it is real fun!

Ukrainian customs connected to the birth of a child are filled with the rites and using of amulets.
The pregnant women are not recommended to meet the sick persons, look at the snakes or have their hair cut, sew or cut, buy something for a future child. The less people know about the future pregnancy – the better. Men and some women are not allowed to visit a newborn baby during the first 40 days. The Ukrainian rite of baptism is a very important one. It is a big sin to refuse the title of a godparent. A traditional Ukrainian crosswise haircut is performed at the first anniversary of birth. The Ukrainian omens are brought together with the Orthodox ones in these ritual actions.


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