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Traditions in Ukraine

Traditions in Ukraine Traditions in Ukraine are closely connected with the everyday, calendar and religious life. It is quite natural. Like in many nations, a lot of Ukrainian traditions and events were connected with the agricultural calendar. Harvest songs, Christmas carols or merry songs to meet the spring have accompanied the seasonal works since long ago. It was impossible to work hard without household magic rituals and to rest without masquerades, entertainments or ritual greetings and going round. Natural hospitability and cheerfulness was passed on from generation to generation exactly through these everyday Ukrainian customs. Family is very important for the Ukrainians. Its origination and existence is accompanied by many Ukrainian rituals and rites, Ukrainian customs and traditions. Making a formal proposal of marriage (in a traditional ceremony with matchmakers coming to the house of the prospective bride's father), engagement, arrangements and covering the head

Traditions In Great Britain

 Traditions In Great Britain If you arrive in Great Britain you'll hear the word “tradition” everywhere. Englishmen have sentimental love for things and traditions. They never throw away old things. In many houses in Great Britain they have fire-places and though their bedrooms are awfully cold, the English people do not want to have central heating because they do not want to have changes. Therefore the Yeomen-Warders are dressed in traditional medieval clothes and the traditional dress of the Horse Guards regiment has existed since the twelfth century. In the House of Lords of the British Parliament there are two rows of benches for lords and a sack of wool for the Lord Chancellor to sit on it. This is so because in the old times wool made England rich and powerful. In the House of Commons you will see two rows of benches for the two parties: the government on one side and the opposition — on the other. In front of the benches there is the strip on a carpet and when