
Показано дописи з грудень, 2016

Go/do/play + sport

There are three verbs that collocate with sports and other free time activities:  go , do  and  play , but they are not interchangeable: Go  is used with activities and sports that end in  -ing . The verb  go  here implies that we go somewhere to practice this sport:  go swimming . Do  is used with recreational activities and with individual, non-team sports or sports in which a ball is not used, like martial arts, for example: do a crossword puzzle, do athletics, do karate . Play  is generally used with team sports and those sports that need a ball or similar object (puck, disc, shuttlecock...). Also, those activities in which two people or teams compete against each other:  play football, play poker, play chess . In this table there is a list of sports and activities that collocate with these verbs: Go Do Play riding aerobics badminton jogging gymnastics table-tennis hitch-hiking taekwondo football fishing judo basketball sailing karate chess windsurfing kung-fu cric

English lesson "Food"

5-A Yesterday we had a very intreresting and fruitful lesson. We have already learnt everything about food so we decided to summarize the topic. Pupils have presented their projects and spoke about Englsh cuisine. They were so excited and got a lot of pleasure because "Food" is their favourite topic. At the end of the lesson we had some extra minutes and solved the riddles about animals.